
Family Updates - 3/18/08

Evan is 4 months old now. He weighs 18.6 pounds. He is killing my back... seriously! He figured out that he could flap his arms this week and looks like he is trying to fly away! He laughs more and more each day and he loves to stick his tongue out at momma and daddy. He got shots this past friday and has some stomach upset ever since. He makes even more dirty diapers now and they are reallllyyy nasty. This morning, he pooped all over me and himself. I went to change him and clean him up but before I could get another diaper on him, he peed all over everything. I figured it was time for a bath so I laid him on a blanket while I started the water. He pooped on the blanket.

Joey is 8 years old and doesn't seem much bigger yet. He started soccer this past Friday. It was his first practice. He did pretty good. We were worried he would get overly upset when he couldn't get the ball or felt like he messed up. He didn't though and did good. He even stopped in the middle of the game to help another boy who fell. When the coach had all the kids line up and race to the other side of the field, Joey was obviously the fastest runner. I believe he gets that from Jonathan! Joey also got his report card on Friday and had all A's and B's and is on honor roll again.

Jonathan has been starting Halloween prop creations already. He is working on some lanterns that will flicker and started on more tombstones. He also got a new fullsized skeleton. Jonathan was asked to play drums in a band again. He practiced with them once but he says he really doesn't want to continue so he might drop out. He sounded very good playing with them though! Jonathan has been working first shift hours a lot lately due to training. He will work some more first shift this coming week. He is moving back to "TRT". All I know is that means he will be "behind the fence" (not at the roadway/front gate). Jonathan is still working hard on his college classes. He will be working on his 3rd speech this week. He is making all A's and making me look like a dummy. Just kidding.

I, Andi, am still looking for a job. I have sent resumes to at least 15 or more places, but have not received any calls. I am nervous about starting work since it will be really hard taking two kids where they need to go and picking them up and then coming home to try to take care of the house while two kids want my attention. AND I will have to do this with little sleep if Evan stays in his current routine. I know lots of mothers do this but I don't think I'm going to be good at it. I really hope I have an exceptionally understanding boss! Even though I have days where I feel like I'm gonna lose it being at home, it would be nice to find a work from home job. However, after much searching I feel that these jobs are about as elusive as a sasquatch. I think I would actually have more luck finding a sasquatch. I have just started going to UVA on Tuesdays. There will be 8 in total. They are parent-training sessions that go along with a study called a "friendship clinic". This is something that is going to help Joey learn to make and keep friends. They also try to help parents build better relationships with the child in the process. So far, I do believe this will help. It is free so I can't lose!